Are you on the hunt for some new socks and want to know what the best socks to support your plantar fasciitis?
At Well Heeled Podiatry we have compared two of our top choices for supporting and helping the plantar fascia and helping to relieve your heel pain.
Often, people report their heel pain feels good while wearing their shoes and orthotics but this is not always practical. You may still feel your foot requires arch support when walking barefoot or when the heel feels inflamed. In order to help combat this, a special sock can be used to help support the arch and reduce pain.
How Do Plantar Fascia Socks Work?
They help to hold up the arch and provide compression towards the heel where the band inserts. This compression helps to reduce any swelling and relieve pain in the area.
Our Top Two Recommended Plantar Fascia Socks:
Fs6 compression sock
– Thin so can fit under normal socks
– Has firmer elastic in the arch to lift the arch and hold up the plantar fascia band
– Provides compression in the heel to reduce swelling
– More cushioned than the Fs6 compression sock
– Thick and cushioned fibres so can be used as regular sock
– Firmer elastic in the arch to lift the arch and hold up the plantar fascia band
Both of these socks are available for purchase at Well Heeled Podiatry.
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is a debilitating and agonising condition that affects the heel of the foot. It typically occurs from over activity, new shoes, sudden increase in high impact activities or weight gain.
The plantar fascia band extends from the heel to the big toe and assists the arch when walking. When our big toe flexes upwards, the plantar fascia band increases tension and unlocks the arch to act as a spring and lift our arch off the ground.
Overtime, a sudden increase in activity will cause too much tension or overstretching of this band and result in discomfort. The band also has a poor blood supply and will take a while to get better. Other common causes also include new shoes, hormonal changes or sudden weight gain, especially in the flatter foot types.
Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis?
At Well Heeled Podiatry we have experience in diagnosing and treating heel pain.
We offer a range of treatment options including, shockwave therapy, footwear modification, strengthening activities, foot mobilisation, tool assisted fascial release and orthotic therapy.
During your appointment we will size and fit you for the best socks for plantar fasciitis. Arch support thongs are also available to assist in your recovery.