What Are Corns?
Corns Snapshot
- Commonly occurring
- Can cause you to limp, leading to knee or hip pain
- Easily treatable and painless to remove
Causes of Corns
Inappropriate footwear.
Abnormalities in foot structure and toe deformity.
Abnormalities in walking patterns or movement that result in increased pressure to specific areas.
Corns Symptoms
A hard yellow plug will be visible over a bony prominence (eg. outside of little toe, ball of the foot, on top or tip of clawed toes).
Soft corns can form in between toes and appear white and soggy.
Pain on direct palpations, as the hard plug, pushes on your free nerve endings.
Red dots, as the pressure has resulted in the blood capillaries under the skin bursting.
Underlying wounds or tissue breakdown may be evident if not treated in a timely manner.
Treatment for Corns
Removal of the corn by a podiatrist.
Pumice stone, foot file.
Moisturising cream.
Correct footwear.
Corn offloading insoles can be custom-made to take pressure off the affected area and prevent re-occurrence.
Foot Orthoses to redistribute load and pressure to the feet and assist with optimum foot function
Well Heeled Podiatry can remove your corn for immediate pain relief and further discuss your treatment options available.
Take extreme caution using corn pads from the chemist as some of these pads will contain salicylic acid, to soften it. Prolong use, or use between the toes can cause burns to the surrounding healthy tissue which may result in a wound, infection, or ulcer.
Corn pads that contain salicylic acid are NOT recommended for people with diabetes, poor blood supply, or loss of feeling in the feet. For professional, safe and effective removal, it is best to see a podiatrist.
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