The foot is a very complex part of the body consisting of 26 bones. It has many muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, nerves and joints. Injury to any of these structures can cause pain that can manifest in many different ways.
Foot Pain
- A podiatrist is a health professional trained to treat disorders of the foot and ankle.
- Well Heeled Podiatry are dedicated to diagnosing and treating a variety of foot conditions.
Foot Anatomy
Conditions We Treat
The team at Well Heeled Podiatry are experienced in the assessment, diagnoses and treatment of foot pain, which may be a result of but not limited to any of the following conditions:
- Arthritis
- Heel pain
- Aching/painful legs and feet
- Bunions
- Gout
- Lower back/hip/knee pain
- Leg Length Difference
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
There is no reason to put up with foot pain especially when most foot conditions can be easily treated and prevented. See our experienced podiatrist at Well Heeled Podiatry today for a lower limb and foot assessment to determine the reason for your pain and what options are available to you to treat it.
Treatments We Offer
We offer unique and effective treatment options for lower-limb, foot, and ankle pain, such as Shockwave Therapy, Foot Mobilisation Therapy, Tool Assisted Massage, Dry Needling, Prolotherapy, and Customised Foot Orthotics.
Related Topics
- Foot orthoses/ arch support
- Gait analysis
- Sports Injuries
- Sever’s Disease
- Shock Wave Therapy
- Foot Mobilisation Therapy
- 3 Crucial Steps to Cure Foot Pain
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