
What Is Callus?

Callus is the bodies defense mechanism. When there is friction over a particular are of the foot the body will form diffused yellow hardening of skin to protect the area. However in doing so it can in fact cause more pressure and pain if too much forms.

Callus on the feet is known as ‘plantar callus’ or hyperkeratosis which can become quite painful, resulting in healthy tissue breakdown and underlying wounds.

If darkened areas or bruising start to form under the hardened skin, this is a sign that there is too much pressure. This will need to be removed by a podiatrist to prevent further complications and foot pain.

Callus Snapshot

  • Commonly occurring
  • Can be very painful
  • Easily preventable
  • Easily treatable with conservative treatment


Causes of callus


Callus Symptoms

  • Hard, yellow, thickened skin commonly on the side of the big and little toes, balls of feet and around the borders of the heels.
  • Burning sensation, when skin build-up is thick.
  • Visible red dots when the pressure has caused the underlying blood vessels to burst.
  • Wounds will form under the hard skin if not treated in a timely manner.


Treatment for callus

  • Removal by a podiatrist, using sterile instruments.
  • Pumice stone, foot files.
  • Emollient therapy.
  • Suitable footwear.
  • Foot orthoses or inserts that will take the pressure off the area and prevent the formation of hard skin from occurring.

Well Heeled Podiatry will help you painlessly remove the callus and provide you with prevention strategies to stop if coming back.

The removal of callouses is important if you are a diabetic and should be treated by a podiatrist to prevent the risk of wounds and ulcers occurring.

If you are a runner or athlete, blisters will form under hard, thickened skin so it is important to have it removed.


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