A moon boot provides immobilisation which is beneficial for the long physiological process of bone healing.
The moon boot immobilises the foot and ankle at an appropriate angle and allows the injury to heal.
Healing of the bone is a complex process which can be simplified as three primary stages:
Stage 1
- This is the inflammatory phase, during which there is acute damage and bleeding.
Stage 2
- Formation of bone callus occurs. During this stage, the bone is quite soft and so the injury is vulnerable. It is important to brace the affected area adequately through this stage.
Stage 3
- Known as the remodelling stage, during which the bone recovers and slowly returns to or near its previous strength and is more tolerable to movement.
It is important to respect each of these stages to avoid prolonging the recovery or creating a lasting deformity in the bone. Your podiatrist will guide you on this.
The healing process would generally take about 6 -8 weeks, depending upon the exact nature of the injury, and assuming the healing process is not compromised by other factors.