Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease marked by periodic flare ups of defined red patches covered by silver flaky skin.
It can be very disabling to some sufferers and can involve both the skin and nails. Pustular Psoriasis (palmoplantar) can occur on the feet and may lead to thickened painful skin and nails.
Skin conditions such as this can lead to heel cracks and secondary fungal nail infections and the nail health is weakened by the condition.
Causes of Psoriasis:
- Inherited tendencies.
- Idiopathic.
- It is believed to be an autoimmune disorder where the bodys t-cells mistake the body’s proteins as foreign and destroys them.
- Inflammatory response, due to over activity of T-cells.
- Impaired ability for the body to regulate cell division which leads to rapid production of skin cells from a normal 28-30 days to 4-5 days.
Initiating Factors of Psoriasis:
- Stress.
- Trauma or injury.
- Child birth.
- Infection.
- Weather.
- Certain medications.
Diagnosis of Psoriasis:
Management of Psoriasis:
- Removal of hard, scales patchy skin by a professional.
- Emollients.
- Coaltar paste.
- Steroid creams.
Systemic (most common types)
- Vit A tablets.
- Methotrexate.
Due to the secondary foot problems , such as cracked heels and thickened toenails that can be difficult to cut, it is important to have regular podiatry care . Regular care can greatly improve foot health, pain levels and risk of infections.
At Well Heeled Podiatry the podiatrist will be able to assist you in treating these secondary foot problems, which can be painful and embarrassing for some sufferers. We will provide you with a range of tips and suggestions to help manage your skin condition on the feet. Keeping them healthy and comfortable!
Related Topics
- Eczema
- Tinea / Fungal Nails
- Cracked Heels
- Callus
- Cutaneous Lichen Planus
- Painful Thickened or Curved Nails