Have you ever though about donating sport shoes once you have finished with them and ready for a new pair?
Shoes play such an important role in everyone’s lives – can you imagine not owning a pair? Well unfortunately many people around the world are unable to afford sports shoes.
This is why Well Heeled Podiatry has become a shoe collector for the not for profit charity Shoes for Planet Earth. This organisation was created in 2009 by people who loved to run and wanted to give something back.
Shoes for Planet Earth works together with local and international communities and businesses to provide second hand running shoes to those in need around the world.
They have donated over 9000 shoes to South Africa and 1000 of shoes for local homeless shelters around Australia.
What is Involved in Donating Sport Shoes
If you are wanting to donate your second hand sport shoes please ensure they are clean and in good condition, with no holes and quality tread. If the laces can please be tied together this will help the organisation and us keep pairs of shoes together in our collection. All sport shoes will be sterilised by Well Heeled Podiatry using our Sterishoe, before they are donated. Sport shoes can be dropped off at our reception desk daily.
Being a sports podiatry clinic are so happy to align with a charity organisation that is 100% not for profit and helping those in need to improve their foot heath.
Many people have nothing to keep their feet warm and clean. We can all do our little bit to help those less fortunate than ourselves by donating our second hand runners.
If you have any further questions or would like to get involved please contact our clinic for further directions.